Friday, February 12, 2010


Snow-staters, prepare for the irresistible urge to start rolling your eyes and marveling at the profound wussiness of residents of our nation's capital and its surrounding areas:

We have had an historic week of snow here on the East Coast (is that supposed to be capitalized? I can never remember. I could look it up, but I would prefer someone just tell me.) Honestly, I have never seen anything like it, and I was here for the last big one, in 2003. Our county seems to have got the most in Maryland, too. I couldn't resist snapping lots of pictures. The kids and I have been absolutely loving it, though I try not to say that too loud because Marylanders can be cantankerous. I accidently mentioned what a fun week we were having to the cashier at Costco as I was stocking up in between snowstorms and a lady behind me said loudly that if her kids didn't go back to school she was going to kill one of them. Someone else reminded me how much this is all costing the State (capitalized? No? Somebody help me.) I am trying to be sensitive to that fact, but my kids are really at an age they can enjoy the white stuff. Remember, we arrived here from the desert, thinking we'd missed winter this year. Surprise!

Dirk and I are pretty tired of shoveling snow, but Brody isn't! He likes to destroy our little mountains and push the snow back onto the driveway. He thinks it is a game. To be fair, Dirk errs on the side of macho and the only shoveling I did was when I could sneak away and work while he was otherwise occupied. It's great exercise.

When we started reading the forecasts for, no kidding, "potentially paralyzing" weather, we went out to buy sleds and snow shovels. Sold out! Remember, we just moved here not three weeks ago. We borrowed a shovel from our neighbor and used our boogie board as a sled. I am proud to report that it was among the fastest on the neighborhood sledding hill.

This has been the only time I took Tristan out. It was the day after the blizzard and the weather was warmish and the snow was melting.

Luckily, we had recently visited our family in Utah and they had given us a bunch of hand-me-down boots. We would have been lost without these.


Apron Appeal said...

So you move to San Diego and get thrown into the whole Prop 8 bit. Next you move to DC and you get more snow than anyone knows what to do with. What do you have in mind for your next move?

Verlynn said...

Let's see now, San Diego, Vegas and then SNOW! Where does your heart really belong? Here we sit in 90 degree Naic and I got a chill just looking at the pics. I'm not an extreme temp. person in either direction so admire your stamina.