Monday, October 27, 2008

Another BAD Thing

Far worse than even a Lifetime Original movie is tape worm. Stop reading here if you are squeamish (which I am, but I cannot keep this in). I noticed the strangest thing in Pippin's nuisance a couple of days ago. Nuisance in a fancy word for poop. I didn't know this before moving here, but that is what all the neighborhood signs call it. I've converted it to an expletive, "Dog Nuisance!" Anyway, it looked like miniature rice. However, it wasn't moving or anything, so I was hoping he'd accidentally eaten some mini-rice somewhere. Later, he pooped again, and I saw the nastiest thing I have ever seen. The way these little bits of gooey white worm move is the stuff or horror films. I was so grossed out I called the vet right away. They said it wasn't an emergency, but it was to me, so I got him in that day. We got rid of the little nasties and I am hoping he is good as new now.

It was a good chance to talk to the vet. This is my first pet, unless you count the fish I kept as a youngster (which I once bleached and on which I once attempted surgery), and I'm sort of ignorant. For example, I have never brushed poor Pippin's teeth, but we are going to do that from now on. Also, the doctor told me that it doesn't mean he's sick if he falls behind on our runs together; small dogs should not be made to run more than a mile or two. Oops. Our last run together was 4.5 miles. He's such a good dog and friend, and I'm so glad we have him, but he's sort of the burnt pancake of family pets. Sorry, buddy. I'm learning.

Playing in the snow last year.


Amber said...

Yeah, go ahead and cut yourself some slack, brushing the dogs teeth is probably dead last on my list of things to do.

Happy-Hardings said...

"the burnt pancake of pets"... priceless.

Becky said...

Ewww! Gross! I have to agree that the 'burnt pancake of pets' was very well put. You're a very creative writer!

Shannon said...

oops - we forgot to mention the tooth brushing part. Don't worry...we didn't do it either. As for the nuisance, better you than me, sister!

Wilson Family said...

Poor little Pippin! We miss him a lot! I hope he feels better. I'll have to agree you're a creative writer and crack me up every time! We're still waiting to hear back from all schools. I'll let you know what the final plan is. We should find out pretty soon!!

RicAnn said...

I feel like I do that with poor little Sammy. He had fleas last week, who knows how long he had them :( But now he is happy and healthy.