Friday, October 31, 2008

The trouble with Halloween candy . . .

. . . is that it is too small. There is no way I would sit down and eat a whole candy bar. But, with those fun sizers, I just lose track and I'm positive I habitually eat more than a candy bar's worth. Grrr . . .


Jenni said...

I would think eating a whole Snickers bar would be way too indulgent, yet I ate our entire bag of mini Snickers before Halloween even got here! I had to go out and buy more candy for the trick-or-treaters. How out of control is that? :) I'm glad you found our blog--now I can check out yours! Hope all is well in sunny SD!

RicAnn said...

I agree 100%! I always eat at least 4 little bars. The sad part is I never feel guilty. Is that something I need to work on?

Mandi said...

is it bad that i am eating them as i write? i can't even tell you how many have snuck into my tummy...

Shannon said...

Naomi, Sorry, my friend, but I was tagged on my blog, so I tagged you. You have to go read it to find out what I'm talking about. I hope you still love me afterward!