Saturday, October 25, 2008

My list of Bad Things

I would like to add election polls to my Bad Things list. They join brussels sprouts, traffic, belly fat, scrubbing baseboards, pumpkin pie, alien movies, natural disaster movies, talking animal movies, and Lifetime original movies (I suppose Bad Movies should be a sublist). It's a short list, but it slowly grows. I hate how the decision of who's president or which propositions will pass begins in the weeks and months before the elections with these amorphous polls. I understand that it constitutes a whole career to be the person who interprets these polls, and they are probably really concerned with accuracy, but I think it is super lame that what started as a way to get an idea of what people were planning to do has become a thing that affects people's decisions in a big way. I just finished all my Prop 8 phone calls and it makes me think that polls are very inaccurate. One lady told me that she had already voted by absentee ballot and that she refused to tell me what she wrote and I could just find out on election day like everybody else. Even though it was my job to write down what her vote was, I had to respect her stand. I circled the number for "Refused" on my little sheet and thought the world might just be better if we all refused to be polled. Although, I guess all those statisticians would then be joining the growing ranks of the unemployed, which certainly wouldn't be good either.


Kerolann said...

I had forgotten about your list of bad movies. Makes me happy to remember.

Mer said...

I agree with you, I can't wait for the elections to be over because it is analyzed way to much!!How is Sariah doing?

Apron Appeal said...

The best job I had in high school was a when I worked for a telephone survey company. I rocked. I always, doubled the quotas so I bonusesdall the time. I made $10-$15 an hour while others squeaked by with $5.00. It was this job that I first learned, that if you are too good at what you do, you will never get promoted.

Thanks for the memory :)


P.S. I wonder if that job has something to do with why I fear talking on the phone so much?

Apron Appeal said...

You don't like pumpkin pie? That baffles me. I mean I understand why I don't like pumpkin pie but you? You love squash! It's a pie made from one of your favorite can this be? Do you dislike most pumpkin treats of just pie? How do you feel about cheesecake?


Naomi said...

I know, Gwen, it's crazy! I should love pumpkin pie, but I've hated it ever since I can remember. It isn't the taste so much as the texture that grosses me out. I love all squash, except pumpkins. Are they even a squash? I LOVE cheesecake, which some may suggest has a similar texture to pumpkin pie, but I don't think so. And I do enjoy the occasional pumpkin roll. But that's it.