Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Baby's Recent Conquests

Baby Boy has turned into Holy Terror, maybe HT for short? I have yet to think up a good blog name for him. In any case, here is a list of his latest damages.

Opened a large bottle of tempura paint (midnight black, of course) and started flinging it all over the carpet, entertainment center, brother's Leapster, etc. Grandma's advice was, "Time to find a new place for the paint." Luckily, I was able to find a carpet cleaner on a Friday night who would clean it up initially and then come back a week later to clean up the stain that creeps up after the first cleaning for only twice the normal price, instead of four or five times. Grrrr . . . I thought my head would explode.

Plucked almost all of the keys off the laptop. I am grateful that Husband has the skills to put these keys back on because it is harder than you might think(Funny Parenthetical Story: Husband acquired this skill while using the laptop to play music during a home improvement project. He thought it would be a good idea to vacuum the drywall dust off with the shopvac . . . until he discovered that the shopvac is not kidding around when it comes to suction power.)

Fingerpainted all over the upstairs bathroom floor and himself with my foundation, mascara and blush. It is unfortunate that I had also just given him a buzz cut and the overall effect was scarily reminiscent of Boy George.

Emptied all of my spice rack containers into one bowl. Dumped yogurt into the silverware drawer. Made oatmeal soup in the kitchen with oats, water, and other pantry items. Many, many more incidents of illegal dumping.

Hacked up an entire loaf of fresh bread with a zoopals knife. While I admire his initiative, I don't like what this suggests about my promptness with meals. I promise I try to keep the child fed.

Since the paint incident, the impression I get from this ambitious and lovable child is that he is just frustrated with not being able to speak and he's not waiting around for us anymore to read his mind. Many of these things happen when my back is turned for only a moment. Needless to say, I have learned to keep him with me as much as possible and watch him like a hawk! Which is probably exactly what he was going for. Smart kid.


Amber said...

Whoa! That's some serious adventure there. I find myself laughing the most about the shopvac and the laptop. Much easier to laugh about the husbands foibles because he has to clean up after himself.

Wilson Family said...

I am also laughing about the laptop incident :) I still think your little guy is super cute.

keri said...

He sure is keeping you busy! And although in the moment each incident it another problem to hurdle, after they make some great stories.

Julie said...

Eeeeeeek! That's all I can say. The story about the laptop is really hilarious. Hope you're holding up okay! I'd be pulling my hair out.

Apron Appeal said...

Don't forget to take pictures, it helps the heeling process.


Mandi said...

That is super funny. Writing it down is always therapy! Life is never dull with HT around!