Friday, May 15, 2009

About that job . . .

We found out last week that Dirk will be part of a third wave of layoffs at his firm. So, we are on the lookout for another opportunity. I have faith in Heavenly Father to see us through this difficult time, and faith in Dirk to sell his mad skills to someone who can pay lots of money for them. I am trying to keep perspective about the imbalance in our favor of blessings and take advantage of this experience for growth. Please keep us in your prayers!


Wilson Family said...

Your faith is amazing, my friend! Things work out in ways that we do not even imagine and in the end, it's the best thing that could ever happen to us! It's easier said than done, but hang in there :) Lots of hugs to you. Congratulations on your next baby boy! Little boys are special and they love their mama :) You have always been an inspiration to me and I sure pray that things turn out wonderful for you. Love you tons.

Amber said...

You have such a good attitude about it. Not that I expect you to let the ugly side of the emotional equation hang out there on your blog. You're in my prayers. I'm sure it will work out for the best.

bethy said...

Scott Dewey told me about a job at a firm here in Michigan that Matt Gordon interned at. I forget the name. Let me know if you want more info. I would love to have you guys back here. :)